Apr 26, 2020
Study of Mark
Don’t Mourn the Pig!: The War is Real
There is a spiritual war raging all around us. The story of the demoniac reveals three things to us this week: 1. The extent sin can take us 2. There is a spiritual war going on 3. The goal of the enemy
  • Apr 26, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig!: The War is Real
    Apr 26, 2020
    Study of Mark
    Don’t Mourn the Pig!: The War is Real
    There is a spiritual war raging all around us. The story of the demoniac reveals three things to us this week: 1. The extent sin can take us 2. There is a spiritual war going on 3. The goal of the enemy
  • Apr 19, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig! Week 1
    Apr 19, 2020
    Study of Mark
    Don’t Mourn the Pig! Week 1
    A multiple week study of Mark 5:1-20.  A man's soul is more valuable than a pig...or anything else of this world.  If we are not careful, we will tell God to leave us alone just as those who mourned the pig.
  • Apr 12, 2020A Hope and a Future
    Apr 12, 2020
    A Hope and a Future
    Series: Holiday
    We have a hope and a future found in Christ.  The verse so often quoted was not directly written to us, but the ultimate promise and the principle applies to us today. Because of the risen Christ, we have a hope and a future.
  • Apr 5, 2020He Who Began A Good Work
    Apr 5, 2020
    Study of Mark
    He Who Began A Good Work
    God will accomplish what He set out to do.  God's Word will accomplish what it has set out to do.   It will have an effect, whether we can see it or not.  It will start out small, but will eventually have a great, powerful impact.  
  • Mar 29, 2020To Use is to Understand
    Mar 29, 2020
    Study of Mark
    To Use is to Understand
    The parable of the lamp reveals to us the value and the importance of using what we have learned about God's Word.  When we use it, we gain understanding.  
  • Mar 22, 2020Greater Than
    Mar 22, 2020
    Study of Mark
    Greater Than
    The storms of life will come.  Let us not fear the storm, otherwise we commit to the storm.  
  • Mar 15, 2020Soil of the Heart
    Mar 15, 2020
    Study of Mark
    Soil of the Heart
    In the parable of the seed, Jesus describes 4 responses to God's Word.  The point is to hear and respond.  The soil of the heart matters.  
  • Mar 9, 2020More than Misunderstood
    Mar 9, 2020
    More than Misunderstood
    Jesus was misunderstood.  Some claimed He was 'out of His mind,' some claimed He was downright a lunatic and liar.  What you think of Him matters. 
  • Feb 23, 2020As Natural as Breathing
    Feb 23, 2020
    Study of Mark
    As Natural as Breathing
    Prayer is an act of humility.  It can be formal or informal, audible or silent, private or public, long or short.  Prayer develops our relationship with God and demonstrates our trust and utter dependence upon Him.  Fellowship with God is at the heart of prayer.  
    Jesus prayed, and often.  It was as natural as breathing.  May it become that natural for us.
  • Feb 16, 2020Faith Unlike
    Feb 16, 2020
    Study of Mark
    Faith Unlike
    We are to have a faith unlike the crowds, unlike the Pharisees, and unlike the demons.  Instead, to have the faith of a true disciple.  Which group is your faith most like?