Our mission here at Glide Baptist is to love God and love others, and to do it together. We have been entrusted with the message of salvation and His Word. We intend to share the hope found in Christ through:
- REACH‘ing those that don’t have hope from God,
- CONNECT‘ing them to the family of God,
- EQUIP‘ping believers for the work of God, and
- AS YOU GO love others and share the hope of God.
At Glide Baptist, we believe…
The Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant, truthful word given to us so we can know Him, us, and the story of redemption
The triune God consists of the Father, Son, and Spirit. They are distinct, but one. God is the creator and authority over all creation. All three at creation. All coexisting eternally. All perfect, always in unison.
Jesus, God’s son, came to earth, walked amongst mankind, never to give up being God. He is the visible God. His mission was to be obedient to God’s will and save mankind. He is the only way to have salvation from sin’s effect. His death upon the cross and rising from the grave satisfied all demands to free men from eternal punishment.
The Spirit of God convicts the world of sin and points us to Jesus. He gives understanding to the Good News. He counsels, guides, and grows the believer, indwelling the believer as a guarantee of salvation.
Humanity is made up of male and female, both created in God’s image, for relationship with God and one another, to have dominion over the earth, and populate the earth. Within humanity God created societies. The basic building block of those societies is the institution of marriage and family. God intended for male and female only to marry opposite gender, and within that marriage gave the gift of sex for pleasure and filling the earth with human life–that human life beginning at conception.
Sin is any action, inaction, or attitude that is contrary to God’s nature and His Word. Thereby alienating us from God.
Angels are created by God as spiritual messengers of God, to worship Him and to do His work, encouraging and empowering. Essentially, they are to represent Him. But, there are fallen angels, whose head figure is Satan, who masquerades as light. One who masquerades is one who hides their identity and aims to deceive. His goal is to deceive humanity from being all that God has intended. He is the greatest false teacher, manipulator, liar, and thief.
Salvation is a gift from God because of His grace, received in faith. There is no work or merit we can do to earn it. Jesus took our place and suffered the punishment for sin; He gave us His righteousness and took our sin.
The Church is more than an organization of people, but it is the body of Christ unified together under one Lord, that is Jesus Christ. The local church is the expression of faith in Jesus where the believer can grow in the knowledge of Jesus through the encouragement and empowerment of God’s people to do His ministry.
We have a hope that is more than possibility. It is built upon promise. Jesus will come back at the right time when all have heard the Good News. His return will begin the process of judgment upon mankind. Those Jesus knows as His will be saved, and those whom He does not know will be eternally condemned.
Glide Baptist is part of Church Venture Northwest (formally known as Conservative Baptist Northwest). For more info on the CVN, go here.